Monday, December 13, 2004

Rotary Club anyone?

I don't know if any of you have ever been to a Rotary Club meeting, but I doubt it. Today I was sent down to the S.P. Rotary Club meeting, which takes place every week. This was my first, but definitely not my last. What a trip! The school is part of the club, so every week someone from here has to go down there for the hour an a half meeting. It was my turn because neither Shaneyfelt, Susanka, or Collins could make it. The meeting actually takes place at the airport bar which I frequented during my junior and senior years. Unfortunately, there is no booze at the meetings. When I got there, I put on my cool nametag, and got myself some food (it was a Christmas meeting, so we had some turkey, potatos, and salad, finished off with some pumpkin pie.) As I am heading to my seat, the rest of the people stand and say the pledge of allegiance, and then sing God Bless America. Keep in mind that I have no idea what takes place at these meetings, nor what the goal of the group is. I sit down at the table with some cool older guys, Mike, Mike, Luis, and Owen. We eat lunch talking about various things: the Peterson Sentencing deliberations (one of the Mikes is a prosecutor for SP), how much it rains in Panama (Luis is from there), and TAC. When we finish, there are some papers past around with song lyrics on them. We go through the list singing to a keyboard and guitar accompaniment. 60 old people and myself singing along to 2 instruments? Oh, it was hot. The songs were Rotary, O Rotary (sung to the O Tannenbaum tune), Blue Christmas, The Christmas Song, and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. After some randon club announcements, some member gets up and starts giving a presentation on his hobby: model ship building (his latest being the Swedish royal warship, Vasa, which was the largest up to that point.) He goes on to give the short history of the ship, which went something like this. The Vasa capsized during its inaugural celebration, sank in the bay (50 feet of its mast sticking out of the water), and was preserved for hundreds of years because of all the shit and piss in the bay, because this is where the streets ran off to. And now it is in a museum, mostly intact. Read more HERE if you want to. And then the meeting was declared finished, a bell was rung, and I was out of there. So this happens every week. Songs are sung, meals are eaten, announcements are made, and random people talk about whatever they want to.
And I still have no clue what the club is about...


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