Wednesday, September 28, 2005


It's been a while since I really posted anything. Not much has been happening around here. A few notables though. As I mentioned below, I bought myself a nice digital camera. I dropped about $800 on it, but I really hope to get a lot use out of it and start taking pictures more, like I did in high school.

Which relates to the next notables. I have 2 trips coming up that I want to take as many photos as I can on, and not have to wait to see how the pictures will come out when I get the film developed. The first is a trip to Florida and the Bahamas in 2 weeks. I will be gone for 10 days. Say a prayer that the hurricanes leave us be. It will be a very welcomed break from work. I can't remember the last time I had a significant break from work. It may have been back in Feb. for Jimmy and Marianne's wedding.

Then, my tentative plan is to keep working at the school until late February '06. Then it will, God willing, be off to Europe. I have never been there, and really just want to enjoy it, and do a lot of photography. My plan is to be there for 3 months. The majority of the time I wil be there by myself, but a few friends from here will be over there at different points of my trip for a few weeks here and there, so I hope to meet up with them. Plus, my brother and his wife (who will be due when I am over there) are in Austria at school, so I will spend some time there as well.

The plan is to hit up Spain (where I want to stay the longest), Portugal, Italy, France, Austria, and Germany, with possible quick trips to the Czech Rep., Belgium, Switzerland, or Sicily. Actually, writing all those down made me realize that I listed too many, so I will need to cut those down. I'll be there 12 weeks, so I should probably only go to 6 countries, max. If you've ever been over there, please let me know the reccomendations. Also, if you plan to be over there anytime from late Feb to late May, and I like you, let me know so that I can try to work my itinerary around that.

After that I may be working up in British Columbia at a salmon fishing resort up in Canada. Raeder worked it last summer, and they asked him to come back, so hopefully he can get me a job with him. The pay is really good, which will be nice to have after coming back from a 3 month European vacation. Plus I'm gonna need the money for school.

The plan right now is to start my pre-med classes in the fall '06 (or summer if the fishing thing falls through), and finish the by fall 'o7. I'm not how practical that thought is (getting the pre-meds done in 2 semesters and a summer), so I'm not sure when med-school would start. I think I would really enjoy that line of work. I have been taking an EMT class at VC, and the stuff is amazing. The human body is an amazing creation. That's the plan right now. Hopefully not too much changes, unless it's God's Will.


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