5-6 more years of school?
I've really been considering going into medicine lately. This would mean another 5-6 years of school (1-2 for prereq's, 4 in med-school). Not to mention I would have to take the MCAT, which is supposedly one of the toughest standardized tests around. It's still tempting though. Being behind a desk for a year has made me realize that I can't do this for a lifetime. Plus I like science a lot, and helping other people, oh, and making lots of money. I guess I have some time to decide. On the plus side, most students from TAC who went into medicine were very succesful at it. Decisions, decisions...
Go for it. And check out this guy --
Awesome. Thanks for the link.
Would we be calling you Dr. Koobs or Dr. Dirty?
Just asking.
For starters, don't waste another minute. Get online, register at some cheap college for some (even online) science courses. If you like the stuff anyway, it won't be a waste - this is also knowledge good for its own sake.
Then do the research re schools, and re costs, residency etc. Do the math. Do the timelines. Find out pre-req requirements. Do some serious soul-searching, because you will be literally giving your life away. (Teaching is not a bad alternative...)
Then if you're still serious, buy yourself a thick MCAT book and dig in. It actually isn't as hard as people say. And studying 30 minutes every day for the next year or so will give you an awesome score.
Good luck.
You may or may not make lots of money. Choose a speciality. Don't get pregnant. Say goodbye to friends and family for a few years but say hello to new friends in your classes who are going through the same thing you are. Oh, and your news friends the books.
It can be very rewarding as a career/profesison, but it is demanding, so med school puts you through quite a load to preapre you. The MCAT isn't as bad as the state boards, so I'm told.
P.S. I'm not a doctor but I play one on t.v.
P.P.S. Not really. My perfect sister is a doctor and I watched all of her med school from the sidelines.
But I really want to get pregnant!
Another alternative for the pre-req's is one of the many "Pre-med Post-Bac" programs. These are for people, like you and I, who have done few or none of the pre-reqs (I think in theory we have done calculus and possibly some physics??) AAMC.com has lots of links. But these programs all but garauntee admission to medschool so that is pretty nice.
just go for it and don't look back. and yes go deep into a specialty. after that, find a private specialty hospital that isn't over run by HMO's. there's some dude in SD who is a neurologist. he owns shares the hospital and makes a killing off every surgery performed. 3 private jets dude. 3. after that, you can get pregnant all you want.
Yeah, I definitely don't want to deal with all that beuraucratic BS. Is this specialist in San Diego (where I hope to move back to someday) or South Dakota? I'm guessing the former.
BTW 3 private jets seems like overkill, just a little bit.
no the latter, you numbskull. is that how you spell numbskull? at any rate, south dakota. there is this an ugly war going on between the homos, pardon me, the hmos and the capitalists. it would be nice if there were a mean between the meanies but such is life. you can read about it in the wall street journal. if you specialize and keep your eyes open while your in school, then you should be fine. three private jets is overkill, but two is fine for someone who is just starting out like yourself.
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