Monday, September 05, 2005

How am I gonna be a playa...

without my phone?

We were over at Will and Sarah's place last night for a party since Maryann and Jimmy are back for the weekend. I was playing Halo2 when someone called on my cell phone. I took it out and gave it to James K. When he was done with it, he (for some reason) gave it to Josh, who was sitting next to him on the couch. (James also turned it off since the battery was low, so we couldn't even call it to locate it.) Josh then supposedly put it on the sidetable. That's the reported account. After looking for it for a while I just gave up, thinking it would turn up on its own. And boy did it ever. Anna comes in a while later and asks if anyone is mising their phone. I say yes, and she hands my phone to me. But it's wet. My phone somehow ended up in the sink in a dish, underwater. The best thing is no one has a damn clue how it got there (or so they say.) Anyway, I don't have insurance, so now I need to find a new phone. Freakin awesome.


Blogger Prophet said...

It's all about the tie...

9/08/2005 5:20 PM  
Blogger Prophet said...

Nice tie by the way.

9/08/2005 5:20 PM  
Blogger k_sra said...

Perfect. The only better ending to this story, it was found in the toilet... under some stuff. : )

9/12/2005 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story needs a fact-check and a rewrite, so here it is:

Chris K. is playing Halo like a brainwashed heffer. He gives his phone to James K., who is sitting on the couch next to me (Josh M.). James K. uses it (?) and turns it off (?!). Someone in the other room yells 'the pudding is ready' so all the Halo-playin troglodytes wander toward the scent. At this point, I stretch out for a well deserved cat-nap. I feel a lump under my left thigh, and quickly put two and two together: James K. left the cell phone on the couch. Knowing that a couch is no place for a cell phone, I grab it and lift it over my head, placing it on the little table by the couch. I do all this without opening my eyes. I suppose there is some chance that I put the phone on a plate or bowl that was sitting on the table, and not the table itself.

What happened next was, I can only imagine, a whirlwind of charitable activity. Someone came and gathered the plates and glasses from the couch-side table and put them on the kitchen table. Soon some other good samaritan takes them and places them by the sink. And some point, someone decides to wash them without looking. The ol' "Blind Wash" we call it. My guess here would be none other than Anna K., who "happened upon" the cell phone in the cereal bowl filled with water. At any rate, the phone was returned to its rightful owner at this point, a little water-logged but, really, no worse for the wear. It didn't work though.

It all comes down to this really: why the hell would you give something of even the smallest value to James K. unattended?!


9/21/2005 1:12 PM  

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