Friday, April 29, 2005

That was too easy

We ended up smacking down the seniors, even though they only let 3 girls play. The best part was that through the first 4 innings, the only 2 hits for their team were from 2 girls. 11-1 was the final score. I just don't get it. These old guys win it every year. Guess that doesn't say much for the sport.

The game was followed by a keg, which was followed by some champagne, which was followed by my new favorite dive bar: the Hilltop, in Oak View. This place was awesome, and the bartended likes all of the students who go down there (Big Al is his name) so he gives out some free drinks. Plus you can smoke inside, which is very very nice. But the best thing of all: it was Free Weiner Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The end

Today is the last day of thesis defenses. Tomorrow the staff/faculty will whoop on the seniors in a little game called softball. Then the keg...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

If you care at all about the new Pope... this article. (Thanks for the link, NOT)

Friday, April 15, 2005

GO HERE lmao will translate any saying or any URL into ebonic/gansta talk.
Here is what happend when I ran my blog through it (firefox has problems displaying the page correctly).

I think it translates it differently every time, even if you put the same thing or URL in.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Hell freezes over!! Pigs Fly!! Monkeys come out of butt!!

Klaske (aka Bonesaw) is going to be a prefect next year!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Fine, I didn't like you anyway

As we move into SP, another moves away. Jimmy and Marianne will be moving to Tucson this Sunday, as he starts his job on Monday. He asked for a transfer 2 weeks ago, but I guess the process took a lot less time than he was expecting it to. That's life I guess. That and having babies, which they are also doing. Well, at least Marianne is.

Goodbye Oxnard

I am now the happy resident of a little city called Santa Paula. Kretschmer bought a house there and 3 of us are renting from him (Josh, Cosgrove, and me). Pretty nice place. It's got a jacuzzi, but we have to get it fixed up a bit. It also has a very sweet zen garden with a koi pond and waterfall. I think this is where I will start doing my meditations. Moving was a bitch though. Actually, not so much the moving per se, but the cleaning of the apartment, which was quite a mess. Took about 2 whole days to pack, move, and clean. It was worth it though. Now we have a place to party where the Mexicans below us won't call the cops. So if people need a place to crash if they are around, let me know, and I'll decide if I like you enough. You probably can't come into my zen garden though. Messin with my chi!