Monday, November 21, 2005

I miss Kimmy

It's days like these, where work is going slowly, that I wish Kimmy had not committed Blogicide. The blog's title was Liripipe (no clue what that means/is from). I always enjoyed her style and stories about the subway, the city, her various employments, etc. I'm still not exactly why the blog was killed, but I sure miss it. Plus, she and I have a special connection from the first week of school.

It was the second or third class of latin, and we were talking about signs (natural vs. conventional). Fun. I hadn't said anything yet in section, and Kimmy was sitting next to me. She leaned over close to me and whispered something along the lines of, "Say something now, or I'll interrupt them all and tell them that you have something to say." I was somewhat shocked about this, but not completely. It was only a few days before that she had strolled in late to our practice seminar on CS Lewis' Learning in Wartime, sat down next to Mr. Coughlin, and just started arguing with everyone. This was followed by Mr. Coughlin asking her about a certain text, and she replies, "Oh, I didn't read it." Oooh you Rebel. I must admit the first thing I thought was, "Damn, she is cute." But that quickly melted into a sense of fear that if I said anything to contradict her, she was going to throw something at me. Don't get me wrong, I have always thought she's cute (especially as Claire in the Nutcracker.)

Perhaps it was this attraction/fear/curiosity that made me do as she said, and I ended up throwing out some jibberish about signs. After that, she just had the biggest smile on her face, like she had won. I didn't mind though. We ended up becoming friends because of it, especially over those tumultuous first weeks. Heck, she even wrote her freshman writing test paper on the incident.

So I guess now it's my turn to take charge and say, "Kimmy, come back and say something, or else bad things will happen." Okay, maybe not, but your stories are missed. The score must be settled.

Friday, November 18, 2005

PSA from the CDC

Symptoms of the BIRD FLU...

The Center for Disease Control has released a list of symptoms of bird flu. If you experience the following, please seek medical treatment immediately:

1. High fever
2. Congestion
3. Nausea
4. Fatigue
5. Aching in the joints
6. An irresistible urge to shit on someone's windshield

I heard it from (c)him.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

If I can't find a horny immigrant by then...

Last night a bunch of us went over to the William Kaisers' place for a BBQ and some viewing of a show they said was pretty funny: Arrested Development. I must say I was a little bit scared bacause Sarah thought it was a funny show, and she is Canadian. The last time I watched something a Canadian thought was funny, well, it was painful. Ever heard of the Canadian show Air Farce? No? Good. But back on topic, this show is one of the funniest I have seen in a long time. It's about a dysfunctional grown-up family, and the father is in jail. It's a strange plot, so i'm not gonna summarize anything but if you get a chance to see these (netflix, etc.), do yourself a favor. I will leave you with this (my favorite lines of the first 6 episodes.) However, just reading it without knowing the characters makes it only half as funny as seeing it.
Gob: And if I'm going to be staying here -—
Lucille: Staying here? What, did that Mexican throw you out?
Gob: She's not "that Mexican," Mom. She's my Mexican. And she's Colombian or something. Anyway, it's over.
Lucille: You've got three days.
Gob: Hey ... if I can't find a horny immigrant by then, I don't deserve to stay here.

Monday, November 07, 2005

New Photos

On the photoblog.

Friday, November 04, 2005


And here is this year. It's time to sweat to the oldies! Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween

This was from last year. Admit it, we looked damn good! Posted by Picasa